<OAI-PMH schemaLocation=http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/ http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/OAI-PMH.xsd> <responseDate>2018-01-15T13:23:21Z</responseDate> <request identifier=oai:revues.org:etudescaribeennes/1272 verb=GetRecord metadataPrefix=oai_dc>http://oai.openedition.org/</request> <GetRecord> <record> <header> <identifier>oai:revues.org:etudescaribeennes/1272</identifier> <datestamp>2017-02-17T15:09:54Z</datestamp> <setSpec>journals</setSpec> <setSpec>journals:etudescaribeennes</setSpec> <setSpec>openaire</setSpec> </header> <metadata> <dc schemaLocation=http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc/ http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc.xsd> <title>Management of the coastal biophysical environment in tropical Queensland under conditions of heavy developmental pressure: the case of tourist resorts and acid sulphate soils</title> <type>info:eu-repo/semantics/article</type> <type>article</type> <creator>Erfurt-Haupt, Patricia</creator> <creator>Cooper, Malcolm</creator> <coverage>Australie</coverage> <coverage>Queensland</coverage> <subject lang=fr>gestion de l’environmental</subject> <subject lang=fr>Acid Sulfate Soil</subject> <subject lang=fr>standard et régulation</subject> <subject lang=fr>réponse politique</subject> <subject lang=en>environmental management</subject> <subject lang=en>Acid Sulphate Soil</subject> <subject lang=en>standard</subject> <subject lang=en>regulations</subject> <subject lang=en>political response</subject> <subject lang=en>Queensland</subject> <subject lang=en>Australia</subject> <identifier>urn:doi:10.4000/etudescaribeennes.1272</identifier> <description lang=en>The tropical coast of Queensland, Australia is experiencing rapid population and tourism growth. Heavy development pressure is being placed on the biophysical environment, which includes the largest sand island in the world (World Heritage listed), Fraser Island. Despite the existence of State planning legislation oriented towards environmental sustainability, it is apparent that little, if any, regard is being paid to the long-term effects of resort and canal-estate development on the underlying biophysical environment of the coast and islands. While the remarkable surface features of the tropical coastal environment such as the surf beaches, the unique dune lakes, and the coastal vegetation, as well as the prolific wildlife, are used as selling points for new settlement and above all tourism, little is known or apparently of major concern with respect to the long term environmental impact of coastal development. While the crowding effect of large numbers of visitors and their impact on the natural environment - through significant degradation, site hardening or lack of proper on-site management – has been identified as a particular problem in certain areas, there is little knowledge of impacts on the underlying coastal geomorphology. In particular, developmental choices are often made in ignorance of, or disregard of, the widespread existence of tropical acid sulfate soils in that coastal environment. Reactive soils such as these can, and do, greatly affect the biophysical outcomes of a development if they are exposed. This paper documents such impacts in the form of a case study of the acid sulfate soil problem in relation to the development of tourist resorts, and suggests that part of the solution is for the State Government to insist on enforceable standards relating to their development for tourism in the coastal zone. These would reduce the use by many resort owners of fancy golf course developments as an environmental cover up to make it look as if they put a lot of effort into protecting the environment….</description> <description lang=fr>La côte tropicale du Queensland est confrontée à un accroissement rapide de la population. Les fortes pressions anthropiques pèsent sur le milieu biophysique, qui comprend notamment a plus grande île de sable du monde, un site classé Patrimoine de l’Humanité, Port Hinchinbrook et Fraser Island. Malgré l’existence d’une législation nationale orientée vers la préservation de l’environnement, il est manifeste que peu d’attention est accordée aux effets à long terme des sites touristiques et du développement de l’urbanisation sur ces franges côtières sensibles. L’aspect massif des flux de visiteurs et leurs impacts sur le milieu naturel a été identifié comme un sujet d’inquiétude particulier dans certaines régions. La connaissance des impacts sur la géomorphologie côtière souterraine est très réduite et les choix de développement sont souvent faits dans l’ignorance ou au mépris de la présence répandue de terrains de sulfate d’acide dans ce milieu côtier. Des sols réactifs comme ceux-là peuvent affecter, et affectent, grandement les résultats géophysiques d’un développement lorsqu’ils sont connus. Des études de cas sur le problème des sols de sulfate d’acide suggèrent qu’une partie de la solution pour le gouvernement de l’Etat du Queensland est d’imposer des normes obligatoires pour le développement du tourisme dans la zone côtière.</description> <publisher>Université des Antilles</publisher> <publisher>Études caribéennes</publisher> <language>en</language> <date>2008-09-08</date> <identifier>http://journals.openedition.org/etudescaribeennes/1272</identifier> <rights>info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess</rights> </dc> </metadata> </record> </GetRecord> </OAI-PMH>