<OAI-PMH schemaLocation=http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/OAI-PMH.xsd> <responseDate>2015-02-24T11:51:47Z</responseDate> <request identifier=oai:HAL:hal-00878450v1 verb=GetRecord metadataPrefix=oai_dc>http://api.archives-ouvertes.fr/oai/hal/</request> <GetRecord> <record> <header> <identifier>oai:HAL:hal-00878450v1</identifier> <datestamp>2014-10-13</datestamp> <setSpec>type:ART</setSpec> <setSpec>subject:sdv</setSpec> <setSpec>collection:UNIV-AG</setSpec> <setSpec>collection:SANTE_PUB_INSERM</setSpec> <setSpec>collection:IFR140</setSpec> <setSpec>collection:UNIV-RENNES1</setSpec> <setSpec>collection:IRSET</setSpec> </header> <metadata><dc> <publisher>HAL CCSD</publisher> <title lang=en>Assessment of Exposure to Alcohol Vapor from Alcohol-Based Hand Rubs</title> <creator>Bessonneau, Vincent</creator> <creator>Thomas, Olivier</creator> <contributor>LERES ; Institut de recherche, santé, environnement et travail [Rennes] (Irset) ; INSERM - École Nationale de la Santé Publique - Université de Rennes 1 (UR1) - Université des Antilles et de la Guyane (UAG) - Structure Fédérative de Recherche en Biologie-Santé de Rennes (Biosit) ; Université de Rennes 1 (UR1) - INSERM - CNRS - INSERM - CNRS - INSERM - École Nationale de la Santé Publique - Université de Rennes 1 (UR1) - Université des Antilles et de la Guyane (UAG) - Structure Fédérative de Recherche en Biologie-Santé de Rennes (Biosit) ; Université de Rennes 1 (UR1) - INSERM - CNRS - INSERM - CNRS - École des hautes études en santé publique [Rennes] (EHESP) ; Université européenne de Bretagne (UEB) - PRES Sorbonne Paris Cité - Université européenne de Bretagne (UEB) - PRES Sorbonne Paris Cité</contributor> <description>International audience</description> <source>International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health</source> <identifier>hal-00878450</identifier> <identifier>https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00878450</identifier> <identifier>https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00878450/document</identifier> <source>https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00878450</source> <source>International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2012, 9 (3), pp.868-879. <10.3390/ijerph9030868></source> <identifier>DOI : 10.3390/ijerph9030868</identifier> <language>en</language> <subject lang=en>inhalation exposure</subject> <subject lang=en>alcohol-based hand rubs</subject> <subject lang=en>passive alcoholization</subject> <subject lang=en>healthcare workers</subject> <subject lang=en>UV-visible spectrophotometry</subject> <subject>[SDV.SPEE] Life Sciences/Santé publique et épidémiologie</subject> <type>Journal articles</type> <description lang=en>This study assessed the inhaled dose of alcohol during hand disinfection. Experiments were conducted with two types of hand rub using two hand disinfection procedures. Air samples were collected every 10 s from the breathing zone, by bubbling through a mixture of K2Cr2O7 and H2SO4. The reduction of dichromate ions in the presence of alcohols was followed by UV-vis spectrophotometry. The difference in intensity of the dichromate absorption peak was used to quantify the alcohol concentration expressed in ethanol equivalent. During hygienic hand disinfection, the mean ethanol equivalent concentrations peaked at around 20-30 s for both hand rubs (14.3 ± 1.4 mg/L for hand rub 1 and 13.2 ± 0.7 mg/L for hand rub 2). During surgical hand disinfection, two peaks were found at the same time (40 and 80 s) for both hand rubs. The highest mean concentrations were 20.2 ± 0.9 mg/L for hand rub 1 and 18.1 ± 0.9 mg/L for hand rub 2. For hand rub 1, the total absorbed doses, calculated from ethanol with an inhalation flow of 24 L/min and an absorption rate of 62%, were 46.5 mg after one hygienic hand disinfection and 203.9 mg after one surgical hand disinfection. Although the use of ABHRs leads to the absorption of very low doses, sudden, repeated inhalation of high alcohol concentrations raises the question of possible adverse health effects.</description> <date>2012</date> </dc> </metadata> </record> </GetRecord> </OAI-PMH>