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Afficher le document X-ray microtomography characterization of porosity, permeability and reactive surface changes during dissolution
Afficher le document Xtrawood: refining estimation of tree above ground biomass using wood density variations and tree structure
Afficher le document The Yatela gold deposit: 2 billion years in the making
Afficher le document Yield surfaces and plastic potentials of cemented granular materials from discrete element simulations
Afficher le document Young Scientist Contract (CJS)2010 - 2015Genomic divergence in wild tree populations: Methods and cases of study
Afficher le document Zagros orogeny: a subduction-dominated process
Afficher le document The Zandjan fault system: Morphological and tectonic evidences of a new active fault network in the NW of Iran
Afficher le document The Zanhuang Massif, the second and eastern suture zone of the Paleoproterozoic Trans-North China Orogen
Afficher le document Zebrafish larva as a reliable model for in vivo assessment of membrane remodeling involvement in the hepatotoxicity of chemical agents
Afficher le document Zika emergence in the French Territories of America and description of first confirmed cases of Zika virus infection on Martinique, November 2015 to February 2016
Afficher le document Zika virus in asymptomatic blood donors, Martinique: 2016
Afficher le document [Zika virus outbreak in Latin America: what are the challenges for French Guiana in April 2016?].
Afficher le document Zones côtières et changement climatique : le défi de la gestion intégrée
Afficher le document Zones franches, offshore et paradis fiscaux: l’antimonde légal