Résultats pour la recherche : Sac
8 documents satisfont la requête.

Nombre de mots: Sac: 9

Jose Antonio Saco. Nació el 7 de mayo de 1797. - Murió el 26 de septiembre de 1879

Sac de transport vide et plein
Année de publication :


Fig. 30 — The delta plain of the Cul de Sac embayment, cultivated as a sugar plantation, on the west coast of St. Lucia; looking southwest. The rectangular subdivision of the plain is drawn to emphasize its levelness. That the enclosing ridges had already gained their maturely dissected forms before submergence reached its present measure is shown by the way in which short arms of the plain enter small side valleys. See also Fig. 35.

Fig. 35 — The inner part of the delta plain of Cul de Sac, St. Lucia, looking northwest. See also Fig. 30.

Le transport du café en cerises au moulin de dépulpage

PLANCHE VII. L'île de la Martinique.

Vêtu de blanc
Auteur(s) : Gauchard, J.