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Université des Antilles et de la Guyane CEREGMIA : Centre d'Etudes et de Recherche en Economie, Gestion et Modélisation Informatique Appliquée Extrait de :
"The changing world of coastal, island and tropical tourism" : conférence internationale, du 27 au 29 janvier 2011. Université des Antilles et de la Guyane Description : This paper examines the notion of sovereignty in an ever-changing postmodern world and its implications for tourism. New spaces have been created, old spaces have been united, and traditional barriers have been torn down. These and other manifestations of globalization are particularly poignant in island and coastal destinations. Empirical examples will be provided from Europe, North America, the Caribbean, and the Arctic to illustrate shifting notions of absolute sovereignty into supranationalist associations, cross-border cooperative relations, and in some cases, more austere extremes in asserting state sovereignty. All of these changes have salient implications for tourism from planning, marketing, and policy perspectives.
Provenance : Université des Antilles et de la Guyane. Service commun de la documentation
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