Audio-Vidéo : cfcs-1207-22
Methodology of participatory plant breeding (PPB) in Cuba
Auteur(s) : Martinez Cruz, Michel
Année de publication :

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: Université des Antilles. Service commun de la documentation INCA 5Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Agrícolas), Cuba
Extrait de : 52e congrès annuel de la Société caribéenne des plantes alimentaires / 52nd annual meeting of the Caribbean food crops society (CFCS), du 10 au 16 juillet 2016. INRA, CFCS
Description : The methodology is supported on the basis of the experience acquired by a group of researchers, farmers and technicians from Cuba in the implementation of Participatory Plant Breeding. The proposal presents a number of methodological considerations with the necessary flexibility to allow proper application of the method and follows a logical sequence of activities to be executed in a manner that facilitates their implementation in various contexts in which it is of interest to apply. Its implementation, as such, is a learning process in action for all actors involved in it; also enables participants to understand the scale of the needs of the producers and breeding programs and dissemination of varieties in terms of the real interest of these. The methodology has 4 main phases: 1) diagnosis, 2) Collection of plant genetic resources, 3) Establishment of demonstration plots and development diversity fairs and 4) farmer experimentation. Besides the four basic stages of Participatory Plant Breeding in Cuba other tools that allowed the PPB constitute a successful process were used, these tools are: action learning as interest Schools Farmers Festivals innovation, exchange visits and retreats, capacity building of students on stage in local innovation and creation of local seed banks.
Siècle(s) traité(s) : 21
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