Études et recherche : mic collo
Une issue économique à un problème social : l'insularité à la carte
Auteur(s) : Michalon, Thierry Michalon, Thierry
Date de création : 2000-11-01
Validité : 2002-00-00
Description : French Overseas Départements are no longer islands as far as their economy is concerned : costs of transatlantic transportation has become too low to provide local productions with sufficient protection. The growth of local unemployment is a threat today for these societies. Producing new goods or services for export seems hardly conceivable for the time being, as french Overseas departments did not find any comparative advantage so far. So, recovering domestic market seems the only way to get jobs. But such a policy would require that would be allowed to raise customs to protect their domestic market : a change for a new status in E.U. law would be necessary, and these ultraperipherical regions would have to be changed into overseas countries and territories.
Siècle(s) traité(s) : 20
Provenance : Université des Antilles et de la Guyane. Service commun de la documentation
Structure : CRPLC : Centre de recherche sur les pouvoirs locaux dans la caraïbe
Permalien : http://www.manioc.org/recherch/HASH0100299346894139b808b859

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