Varietal dynamics in Yam producers from Guadeloupe and impact of anthracnose disease
The loss of agrodiversity induced by varietal inheritance is an important concern, plant species are at risk of genetic erosion, while the loss of genetic resources may exhaust the material available for future breeding strategies. We explored the varietal dynamics in the Guadeloupean yam system. When asking farmers about the varieties grown in the past compared to their current varieties, it can be seen that there has been no dramatic loss in the last 2-3 decades. Varietal dynamics reflect strong sub-regional trends and socio-economic impacts such as the age of producers or the diversity of agricultural crops. Recurrent anthracnose outbreaks since the 1970s have not altered varietal turnover too much, but have led to a transition of Dioscorea alata to less sensitive species, especially for financially dissatisfied farmers.