Audio-Vidéo : Bios-1806-13
De la mouche Drosophile à l'expression des gènes chez l'humain
Auteur(s) : Paulin, Yolène
Année de publication :

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: Université des Antilles AREBio Groupe de recherche BIOSPHERES : BIOlogie, Sciences Physiques & Humaines pour les énergies Renouvelables, l
Extrait de : 1er colloque international BIOSPHERES, du 18 au 20 juin 2019. Université des Antilles
Description : Drosophila often offers many advantages as an experimental organism. The dead ringer (dri) gene of drosophila melanogaster is a member of the recently discovered ARID-box family of eukaryotic genes that encodes proteins with a conserved DNA-binding domain. dri itself is highly well conserved with specific orthologs from human to yeast genomes. This family include ARID3A, 3B and 3C with have role in embryonic pattening, cell lineage gene regulation, cell cycle control, transcriptional regulation and chromatin structure modification. We first showed that the gene encoding ARID3A also known as Bright (B cell regulator of immunoglobulin heavy chain transcription) play critical roles in B-cell development and SATB1 in T-cell transcription regulation. In this international workshops we will expose a comprehensive understanding of these molecules and better knowledge of their specific targets and function-interactions in controlling cell fate decisions and development. In addition, dri have homology with the Aedes aegypti mosquitoes which had ability to carry and spread disease to human. More than half of the world?s population live in areas where this mosquito species is present, including Martinique. Sustained mosquito control efforts are important to prevent outbreaks from Dengue, Chikungunya, malaria, zika diseases. Discovering the functions of AT-rich genes in preventing illness from mosquito is the central goal for raising working progress hypothesis.

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